The concept of the seven major chakras originates in the Eastern spiritual traditions which see the chakras as the fundamental energy exchange facility within the body and most of the literature on the chakra system are based on these major seven.

The chakra system is based on the Hindu tradition that recognises seven distinct ‘wheels’ of energy, however the concept of chakras can be found in many cultures including Indian, Tibetan and Chinese.  These wheels of energy or centres are arranged along the spinal column from its base to the top of the head where they connect and influence nerve plexuses of the spine both back and front.

The chakras are in continuous motion of a flow of energy around the body and have the power to vitalise body and mind. Their spinning action draws in an energy referred to as the Universal Life Force or Qi (chi). Each chakra corresponds to a different aspect of life and provides important functions on the four levels of existence: physical, emotional, intellectual, and subtle. When out of balance, the chakra can affect each area and function is connected to. 

When the energy of a chakra is out of balance then eventually this may crystalize in the physical body. When this happens what we tend to see is stress reflected within the regions of the physical body that the chakra governs.  This may result in the endocrine system, digestive system or any other system that falls under the influence of these chakras to become out of balance. There are many ways to realign the flow of the energy including but not restricted to crystals, essential oils, flower essences, sound and acupressure.